Web 2.0 doesn’t leave porn behind

August 10, 2007

WIRED’s commentary Regina Lynn writes that Web 2.0 leaves porn behind, but some of the major communities such as YouTube is also for pornographic material. As kevjumba, the most popular comedian on YouTube, says “Any girl who talks about sex or gonna show her tits is gonna get thousands of views, even is she has nothing smart to saw. I have like 5 subscribers, it’s really bad, like no one watches my videos, but I guarantee you, if I had huge tits or a nice butt, I would have thousands of subscribers. I hate you no-talented hot girls!” – 6 month after he made this video, kevjumba had 50.000 subscribers. He had something smart to say.

Google has a major community with a lot of hidden porn in it. Just look at the Top 10 on Google Video.

2. Woman in Shower
3. Girl caught by boyfriend
4. Webcam Girls Go Wild ( full)
7. Naked Nude Teen Girls

Perhaps this isn’t exactly pornography, but pornography isn’t allowed on neither Google Videos or YouTube. However the YouTube template is used on pornsites including community. Then there’s the animé and manga communities, both are used in ecchi and hentai.

Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows once more [SPOILER]

July 25, 2007

I have just finished reading the 7th book of Harry Potter, it was hard to put down as I’ve almost read it non-stop for the past few days only to eat, drink, sleep or occasionally write a post or check my mailbox. I was awkwardly surprised of how the book ended and I must admit I don’t think the story is going to end just yet, and I would be happy if that was true. I have talked of pottermania and overeager fans, but even I had emotions during the book. Strangely, my chest was heavy sometimes and I smiled. These things, unfortunately, the film company are avoiding, but I think that the reason of this popular series is because they have grown into this fantasy world, it sets their imagination and emotions free. Those who’ve read the books may feel the same way as I do? It’s damn hard to put down the books, and I wouldn’t be surprised if somebody committed suicide if that epilogue wasn’t there. I was actually quite confused by the epilogue using those names.
I wonder how the film is going to be. The last two kinda sucked. When I watched the 5th film, I had a feeling of the scenes didn’t actually end. They just jumped on to the next one. The great thing about the books is that you get all the funny stuff in it. As I said before, the film company must be avoiding it, because in the latest Harry Potter films, I barely smiled. Just watched them as they were nothing related to the books, just a mere copy. I think that the director believes that people want action and excitement. And we do! But smiling too is being excited. They earn millions of dollars on the films, so why not just shoot another 30 minutes to at least finish the scenes and have a little humour in it too? If the 7th film won’t contain “NOT MY DAUGHTER, YOU BITCH”, I’ll leave the theatre. However, I would certainly encourage people to read the books, even if you don’t like reading books. I could talk about what I gained from reading those books, but you may not gain the same thing. Some might say that sitting in front of your computer playing games or watching TV all day is a waste, but no man, woman or child is the same – and none will gain the same from art, which is the most interesting and magnificent thing. I gained a lot from this peace of craftsmanship, I’m sure you would gain something as well. Perhaps just a few hours of enjoyment, perhaps something else.

Harry Potter and The Deathly Hallows

July 23, 2007


The final book of Harry Potter has arrived. J.K. Rowling should be proud of herself, as she wrote the most popular series of books in human history. Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows sold approximately 8.3 million copies just in the United States., and takes the place as the fastest selling book, and could easily beat the record sales of the Bible this year. I enjoy reading the Harry Potter books, and I can’t possibly question why the books are so popular. However, I think that this time, it went over the edge. Rumours has told me something quite strange. Unfortunately, I can’t do any research before I’ve read the book as there’s spoilers everywhere. One rumour told that $110 million was spent on security for the books. Another said that they opened trauma-phone lines in case little children couldn’t deal with the death of either Harry, Ron or Hermione. However, that’s rumours. A few things, we do know for a fact is that people actually stole copies of Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows and published it on the Internet. A simple search on Google, and you have the “best” book in history, or at least readers choice. Even though, these books was guarded 24/7, and none were allowed to enter the guarded rooms except those who had to deal with them. Then there’s the Pottermania, revived from the Beatlesmania, a so-called frenzy that unleashes in young girls heads whenever something big happens regarding the mania. Have you ever seen a Beatles concert, where they every now and then showed the audience? You can’t even hear the music for all those screaming girls. If you search for Harry Potter on Google, you get 191.000.000 hits. This is a large amount, even for Google. But why Harry Potter? There’s many enjoyable books, just as good as Harry Potter, but never reached this level of fame. Philip Pullman’s “Dark Materials” trilogy is just as good, and the first book, The Golden Compass, is going to the movies in December 2007. Then there’s Tamora Pierce, who written many books, some better than Harry Potter. According to analysts, they say that it’s because of the Internet. Harry Potter just had a great deal of luck and good timing. The Internet, as you may know, is a great place to share thoughts, and if we both seen the films or read the books, then we might have a good conversation. Like sheeps, just following what’s up a head.
The most breaking news is that Harry Potter didn’t make it first everywhere. In Beijing, the new film “Chuck and Larry” sold for $34.8 million, while Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix got number two, and only made $32.2 million. Also Harry Potter won’t reach the NYT Bestseller list – at all.
I just read that a Teenage girl killed herself because of fake spoilers. The news reporter said that her room was filled with toys, models and other Harry Potter merchandise.